WFP Republic of Congo Country Brief, June 2023


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Sep 26, 2023

WFP Republic of Congo Country Brief, June 2023

Congo + 1 more In Numbers 2,999 mt of food distributed 139 USD cash-based transfers 2 USD million six-month (July 2023 - December 2023) net funding requirements 293,682 people assisted Operational

Congo + 1 more

In Numbers

2,999 mt of food distributed

139 USD cash-based transfers

2 USD million six-month (July 2023 - December 2023) net funding requirements

293,682 people assisted

Operational Updates

Strategic Outcome 1: Food-insecure people affected by shocks have access to adequate food all year round

• As part of its response to food inflation in urban areas,WFP provided in-kind food assistance to 92,552 vulnerable people in Brazzaville. The distribution was implemented with the non-governmental organisation CARITAS.

• WFP provided in-kind food assistance to 17,334 refugees from the Central African Republic in the districts of Bétou, Dongou, Ikpembele, Ibenga, Enyellé and Impfondo (Likouala Department).

• WFP provided in-kind food assistance to 4,807 asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Bouemba (Plateaux Department).

• As part of the treatment and prevention of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), WFP assisted 4,175 children aged from 6 to 59 months and 44 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) in urban areas in Pool, Plateaux and Lékoumou Departments. The distributions were implemented through health centres with the National Directorate of Hygiene and Health Promotion.

Strategic Outcome 2: Equitable national social protection interventions effectively target vulnerable populations, including school-aged children with sustained access to safe and nutritious food

• WFP delivered 819 metric tons of food to schools located in the Bouenza, Cuvette, Lékoumou, Likouala,Plateaux, Pool and Sangha Departments for the second term of the school year.

• WFP provided food assistance to an estimated 80,782 schoolchildren in seven Departments through the McGovern-Dole supported School Feeding Programme.

• WFP provided food assistance to an estimated 5,958 schoolchildren through the Home-Grown School Feeding Programme. This programme is implemented through WFP’s partners Alisei and AVSI Foundation.

• A Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) workshop was conducted with the Government, non-governmental organisations and other United Nations agencies to strengthen the implementation of the school feeding programme and measure the progress made since the first SABER in 2015.

Strategic Outcome 3: Targeted smallholder farmers and communities benefit from productive and sustainable livelihoods which support nutrition value chains.

• As part of a South-South and Triangular Cooperation project financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, WFP delivered five sheds to support smallholders in Ngo, Plateaux Department, to strengthen their storage capacity.

Download ReportIn NumbersOperational UpdatesStrategic Outcome 1: Food-insecure people affected by shocks have access to adequate food all year roundStrategic Outcome 2: Equitable national social protection interventions effectively target vulnerable populations, including school-aged children with sustained access to safe and nutritious foodStrategic Outcome 3: Targeted smallholder farmers and communities benefit from productive and sustainable livelihoods which support nutrition value chains.