Swab the Decks: Lady Pirates move forward with new attitude


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Jul 10, 2023

Swab the Decks: Lady Pirates move forward with new attitude

Sports Editor Hannibal senior Navaeh Boling fields a ground ball during practice on Monday at Hannibal Veterans Softball Field. HANNIBAL -- The disappointment from last year is something that Hannibal

Sports Editor

Hannibal senior Navaeh Boling fields a ground ball during practice on Monday at Hannibal Veterans Softball Field.

HANNIBAL -- The disappointment from last year is something that Hannibal is not going to carry into 2023.

The Lady Pirates are entering the 2023 season with a positive outlook and hope to be more competitive.

"Our slate is clean and a lot of the girls realize that," said Hannibal head coach Madison Kinsel. "The upperclassmen have been doing a good job of letting the underclassmen know that. Everything that happened doesn't matter this season, so we can take it as far as we want."

Instead, Hannibal looks to put the memory of losing games in 2022 in the past and start fresh.

"We want to win some games," said Hannibal senior outfielder Nevaeh Boling. "We are 100% wiping the slate clean and we are going to win some games."

Players have been putting in extra work in the offseason and have competed in summer ball prior to the official start of fall practices on Monday.

One area Hannibal would like to improve upon is their approach at the plate after struggling to score runs in 2022.

"I believe (our hitting) will be pretty strong this year," said Hannibal senior outfielder Kameil Crane. "As a team, I think we just need to learn a little confidence at the plate because we have so many hard hitters on the team. We just get a little scared when we get up to the plate."

Improving upon hitting has been the number one focus for Kinsel during summer practices.

"Our goal this year is definitely on the hitting aspect," Kinsel said. "Last year, we struggled with getting quality at bats and hitting people in when we needed to. The focus this year will be making sure every at bat we got to is going to be quality. Rather if we get a walk or a hit. Just making sure we are not striking out looking, like we did quite a lot last year."

Hannibal graduated center fielder Alana Pfeifer from last year's team, but returns for outfielders with varsity experience.

Boling, Crane and fellow senior Brooklyn Livesay, as well as sophomore Addison Friday will compete for playing time in the grass.

Communication on calling for fly balls and hitting the cut off are among the details Hannibal outfielders have been working on.

"In the outfield, if you don't have communication it's not going to go well," Livesay said.

Hannibal's outfielders have also been working on improving their throwing.

"I'm focusing on my throws," Crane said. "I'm trying to find what's best for my arm, so I don't over stress it out."

Hannibal will have a new shortstop this year with the graduation of four-year starter Chloe Simms.

Taking over at shortstop will be sophomore Avril Collier, who moves up from the junior varsity team.

"(Collier) has all of the potential in the world," Kinsel said. "She's quick on her feet and she's quick on her mind. She's able to make plays that a lot of people can't do. She will be taking over at shortstop."

Hannibal has two options for first base in Kira Riley and Hannah Epperson, with the latter also getting time in the circle.

There is some competition for the second and third base starting roles, with junior Harper Karr and sophomore Bella Logsdon getting looks at those spots.

The Lady Pirates are hoping to have a solid defense with newcomers in the infield.

"I think we can work on some stuff, but other than that I think we are going to be strong this season," Riley said.

Behind the plate is junior Sydney Phillips, a returning starter from last year.

"(Phillips) was our starting catcher from last year and we've seen great improvements from her throughout this offseason," Kinsel said. "She showed up every single time we had offseason practices. She's put in the work and is going to be great."

In the circle, Hannibal graduated Alyssa Hart, who committed to Eastern Oklahoma State College.

Sophomore left-hander Chloe Riley will be the Lady Pirates primary pitcher this season, who showed a lot of potential during her freshmen year.

"When Alyssa got injured last season, Chloe Riley stepped up and did a great job as a freshman," Kinsel said. "Again like Sydney Phillips, she's been working really hard this offseason at her travel ball team and at practices. She's got a lot better movement with her pitches, as well as speed and accuracy."

Epperson will also see some time in the circle and has a fastball, dropball, changeup and is working on a riseball.

Hannibal will hold its jamboree at Centralia on Tuesday, Aug. 22 and kick off the season at the Troy Lead Off Classic on Friday, Aug. 25. The home opener is on Tuesday, Sept. 5 against Moberly.

"I'm really excited," Kinsel said. "It came quickly and we are excited to start with a clean slate and get the ball rolling."

Aug. 25-26 -- Troy Lead Off Classic

Aug. 28 -- at Fulton

Sept. 2 -- at Monroe City Tournament

Sept. 5 -- Moberly

Sept. 7 -- Mexico

Sept. 11 -- at Bowling Green

Sept. 12 -- Monroe City

Sept. 13 -- Clark County

Sept. 16 -- Marshall (DH)

Sept. 18 -- at Kirksville

Sept. 19 -- Highland

Sept. 21 -- Canton

Sept. 25 -- at Moberly

Sept. 27 -- at Louisiana

Sept. 28 -- Fulton

Sept. 30 -- at Centralia Invitational

Oct. 3 -- Kirksville

Oct. 4 -- at Mexico

Oct. 7 -- Chillicothe

Oct. 9 -- at Palmyra

Sports Editor

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